
Ihaveafreshlycreateddocreadytoreceivetheimage.ButwhenIselectthemenuoptionFile>ImportfromiPhone>TakePhotoandtakeapicturewithmy ...,2018年9月26日—Here'showtoscandocumentsandimportphotosinmacOSMojavedirectlyfromiPhonecameraappusingthenewContinuityfeatures.,2024年5月27日—ChecktheboxnexttotheiCloudPhotoLibrary(iCloudPhotosinmacOSMojave).OnyouriPhone,gotoSettings>Photos>EnsureiCloudPhoto...

File > Import from iPhone > Take Photo

I have a freshly created doc ready to receive the image. But when I select the menu option File > Import from iPhone > Take Photo and take a picture with my ...

How To Scan Documents, Import Photos In macOS Mojave ...

2018年9月26日 — Here's how to scan documents and import photos in macOS Mojave directly from iPhone camera app using the new Continuity features.

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to Mac in 7 Ways

2024年5月27日 — Check the box next to the iCloud Photo Library (iCloud Photos in macOS Mojave). On your iPhone, go to Settings > Photos > Ensure iCloud Photos ...

How to Use Continuity Camera in macOS Mojave, Big Sur, ...

2022年5月18日 — With Continuity Camera in macOS Mojave/Big Sur/Catalina, you can use your iPhone or iPad to directly import photos or document scans.

How to Use the New Continuity Camera Feature in macOS ...

2018年9月24日 — In macOS Mojave ... In Finder, Ctrl-click in an empty area in the folder where you want scanned docs to be saved, then choose Import from iPhone ...

Import photos from a camera or phone using Photos on Mac

Use Photos on your Mac to import photos and videos from your camera, phone, or other mobile device.


I have a Macbook Pro (15 inch, late 2019) running Mojave 10.14.6. I'm running Photoshop 2020, version 21.0.1 (but I also saw this problem in v21.0.0).